Teresa Withington
Grade - 3rd Dan Black Belt
Position - RTK Branch Instructor
Dojo - Chesham
Fulltime or Volunteer - Volunteer
Having discussed martial arts as a possibility for our determined but obstinate 4 year old, a knock at the door in 2009 just a few days later felt like fate. With a resolute no from the rest of the family we looked forward to the little one’s first classes.
Being small was frustrating for my daughter so having done karate many (many!) years previously I finally gave in and joined in. It was a way of helping my daughter with the added advantage of getting fit at the same time. My eldest daughter joined 4 months later and the Withington girls were on their journey!
When I was asked by Sensei Nichola Rose to join the Assistant Instructor training I was overwhelmed, excited and nervous at the same time, but with guidance from Sensei Nic and later Sensei David Barlow I came to see the Holcombe dojo as my extended family. Watching a student get something right as a result of your teaching is an amazing feeling!
Two years down the line and I never expected to get so far nor to become a Sensei! And that obstinate 4 year old? She’s now a determined but focussed 9 year old 1st kyu with a gold medal for tournament kumite who reminds me regularly that her Black belt big sister and I wouldn’t be where we are if it wasn’t for her.
Red Tiger is a very family orientated club. You only have to look around to see many parents and their children taking part. In fact 2012 saw the final member of our family – my husband – joining Red Tiger.
I love being part of a big family who are committed not just to their own training but that of their students and colleagues. Young or old it’s worth it even if it’s just to lose some weight, get fit or build confidence.
Hope to see you soon
Sensei Teresa Withington