10th Kyu to 9th Kyu
(White Belt to Orange Belt)
From Ready Stance (Shizentai):
1. Stomach Level Punch (Sonoba Tsuki (Choku Tsuki)) x 10 Times on the Spot
From Downward Block (Gedan Barai) in Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi):
2. Stomach Level Stepping Punch (Chudan Oi Tsuki) x 4 Forward Steps
3. Head Level Block (Jodan Age Uke) x 4 Backward Steps
4. Outside Block Stomach Level (Chudan Soto Uke) x 4 Forward Steps
5. Downward Block (Gedan Barai) x 4 Backward Steps
From Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi):
6. Reverse Punch Stomach (Chudan Gyaku Tsuki) x 10 Times on the Spot
From Feet Together Stance (Heisoku Dachi):
7. Front Kick Stomach (Chudan Mae Geri) x 10 Times on the Spot
Heian Shodan
(Performed to the count)
Kumite (Fighting) Drills:
Gohon Kumite
Head Level Punch Attack (Jodan) - 5 Steps