8th Kyu (Red Belt) to 7th Kyu (Yellow Belt)
From Downward Block (Gedan Barai) in Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi):
1. Stomach level stepping punch (Chudan Oi Tsuki) x 4 Forward Steps
2. Head level block (Jodan Age Uke) x 4 Backward Steps
3. Outside block stomach level (Chudan Soto Uke) x 4 Forward Steps
From Back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi):
4. Knife Hand Block (Shuto Uke) x 4 Backward Steps
From Downward Block (Gedan Barai) in Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi):
5. Inside Block (Chudan Uchi) Uke x 4 Forward Steps
6. Downward Block (Gedan Barai) x 4 Backward Steps
From Long Stance in Guard Position (Jiyu no kamae in Zenkutsu Dachi):
7. Stomach Level Front Kick (Chudan Mae Geri) x 4 Forward Steps
Turn in to Opposite Direction into long stance (Mawatte Zenkutsu Dachi):
8. Stomach Level Round Kick (Chudan Mawashi Geri) x 4 Forward Steps
Turn in to Horse Riding Stance (Mawatte Kiba Dachi):
9. Side flick kick (Yoko Geri Keage) x 4 Side Steps & Return
10. Side push kick (Yoko Geri Kekomi) x 4 Side Steps & Return
Heian Shodan
Heian Nidan
Gohon Kumite
1. Head Level Punch Attack (Jodan) - 5 Steps
2. Stomach Level Punch Attack (Chudan) - 5 Steps