August Newsletter

We hope you are enjoying the sunshine and the School Holidays. There is plenty to keep you up to date with. We are right in the middle of Summer Attendance Rewards Programme and we have loads of Club News and events coming up including:  

  • Medals going out in classes in September

  • Ultimate Training Weekend Itinerary & 2 new spaces available

  • Jordan Thomas Pre-season Fight Camp

  • Steven Da Costa Kumite Course (World, European & Olympic Champ)

  • Next Cadet/Assistant Class

  • Next B and B Course

  • Next Kyu Gradings and Dan Gradings

  • Karate Parties with Callum Miles Sensei

  • 1:1 Tuition and Kata and Kumite Classes

  • Bank Holiday Closures

  • Improved security measures for classes and the best news of all………..

Heidi Grace Head has finally arrived!

A gorgeous new RTK Tiger Cub has been born – Heidi Grace Head! Congratulations to Rob Head Sensei and his lovely partner Martina on the safe arrival of their beautiful baby girl – born on Monday 29th July.  Please join us in congratulating them both on becoming parents for the very first time. Both Mum and baby are doing brilliantly and Rob Sensei is taking wonderful care of them both. Rob Sensei will be back in classes in a few weeks time and is enjoying some well deserved bonding time with his new little family. We couldn’t be happier for you both and I think everyone will be so delighted to see her when you are ready! All of Rob Sensei’s classes are running as normal so make sure you still get to training and support your class. He doesn’t want any slacking off because you will suffer when he’s back!

Summer Attendance Rewards/Bank Holiday

This is just a quick reminder to make sure that you attend all the classes you can over the Summer because you could be getting one of our lovely medals in September. All you need to do is attend at least 6 classes between Monday 15th July and Sunday 1st September to win a bronze medal, attend 8 to win a silver medal and 10 to win a gold medal. Attendance is recorded electronically via the APP so make sure that you are booking your classes in advance. We will be running a reduced schedule on Bank Holiday weekend and unfortunately some classes will be closed. We will put out a post nearer the time when we know which classes will be open and which will be closed.

Improved Security In Classes

Following the tragic events in Southport that took place last week all of our Instructors have been asked to re-assess security measures at their dojos. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families affected by this senseless act. Many of our venues are Schools or Community Centres so already have adequate security in place, but we need to be extra vigilant when it comes to keeping the doors locked whilst our classes are in session and making sure attendances are recorded before the session commences.

You can help us by making sure you have booked on in advance and turn up to classes early or at the very least on time. Parents who wish to stay are welcome to do so, but must not leave the dojo whilst the class is in session. Instructors will man the door at drop off an pick up times. I hope we can can count on your co-operation and support on this matter. Please be reassured that we take the trust you put in us as activity providers seriously and we will fully implement any extra security measures recommended to us by our Association the EKF. If you have any concerns or queries you can contact our safeguarding officer Leesa Beckwith Sensei by clicking here

Ultimate Training Weekend News

Our next UTW is just over 6 weeks away and we are ready to host another fantastic event for you. Our training venue have informed us of a road race that is due to take place on Sunday 22nd September. Most of the roads in and out of the town will be closed. But not to worry. We don’t do problems here, only solutions. We are just going to hold all of the karate (5 Hours) at the leisure centre on the Saturday and on the Sunday we will be holding the RTK Olympic games between 10am-12pm at Haven!

You will be spilt into teams and work together to achieve points. The team with the greatest amount of points will be crowned Champions and each receive a special prize! Games so far include a dodgeball tournament, Pugel Stick duels, beat the keeper, beirut (beer pong without the beer), kick rounders, Bob bashing plus more. The great news is that siblings and parents can sign up for this too (free of charge). All the family can get involved on the Sunday and we will have a great time!

We have the following Instructors teaching on the Saturday alongside our own Chief Instructor Paul Wolstencroft Sensei:

Matthew Handley Sensei – 5th Dan Black Belt, WKF Accredited Kumite Coach and Former British Kumite Champion. Matthew Sensei is back by popular demand after the exceptional sessions he delivered for us last year.

Simon Bligh Sensei – 6th Dan and Technical Director of Hombu Dojo Karate International Great Britain. Simon Sensei has a over 30 years of teaching experience and has trained in Japan. Learn more about Simon Sensei by clicking here:

Unfortunately another family has had to drop out of this event so we have 2 training spaces available and a Silver 3 Bedroom Caravan available for anyone who may be interested. The family have paid £381 for the accommodation and are unable to cancel with Haven. If you would like to fill their places and want to take their accommodation please get in touch with to make them an offer. They understandably want to recoup as much of their payment as possible. For more details and the dates etc. click here…..

Jordan Thomas Pre-Season Fight Camp

Good luck to our members Esme Smith, Mitchell Little, Marley Little and Dylan Eckersley who are attending the Jordan Thomas Pre Season Fight Camp this weekend at the National Taekwondo Centre in Manchester. They will be completing a tactical session, a technical session and finishing with scenario based fighting on the Saturday. Dylan is doing both days so will also be covering fight conditioning, an ippon focused session and taking part in test matches. Jordan Thomas won the WKF World Kumite Championships in 2016 so this is a great opportunity for our fighters to learn from him. Enjoy it guys!

Next Cadet and Assistant Class

The next Cadet Leader and Assistant Instructor class will be taking place on Sunday 27th October at Kearsley Academy, Springfield Rd, Bolton. Please pop the date in your diary if you are part of our teaching teams.

Next Club Gradings

Our next Club Gradings are as follows:

Sunday 8th September at the Talbot Centre, Stretford Sports Village, Old Trafford for students from the South Manchester, Stockport and Cheshire classes.

Sunday 29th September at Kearsley Academy, Springfield Rd, Kearsley, Bolton for students from the North Manchester, Bolton, Bury and Lancashire classes

We also plan to put in some class gradings where necessary. The next grading for students attempting Black Belt and beyond is Sunday 3rd November.

Steven Da Costa Kumite Course

Some of our senior members and experienced Squad members will be travelling over to Halifax to train with Steven Da Costa Sensei. He is a member of the French National Karate team and is a World, European and Olympic Kumite Champion. Enjoy this unique experience and enjoy meeting such an extraordinary karateka. I believe there are still a few places left at this course on Saturday 28th September. This course is run by Matt Handley Sensei and is open to all. If you are interested, you can book direct using this link….

Good Luck to Jaime Sensei in the EKF International Open

We would like to wish the best of luck to Jaime Pratley Sensei who has entered the EKF International Open on the 7th and 8th September. The event is being held down in London and will be Jaime Sensei’s third International Competition in a year. He is getting some great experience and competing against the very best of the best. We are proud of you! If any of our other Squad members want to give it a go, email your request to and the squad coaches will be in touch.

RTK Karate Parties

Did you know Callum Miles Sensei does karate parties? He is now taking bookings for September onward. These parties are great fun and we always get fantastic feedback. They are reasonably priced and the birthday child gets a trophy to keep. If you are interested in more details or making a party booking for your karate mad ninja - Call Callum Sensei direct on 07880 792 215.

Kata and Kumite Classes: Weekly

Kata and Kumite Classes will restart on Monday 9th September from 6.45-8pm at Thornleigh Salesian College, Sharples Park, Bolton. BL1 6PQ. Our Chief Instructor will be leading the session and both Kata and Kumite squads will meet every week going forward. The first part of the class will be focused on fitness followed by splitting off for the remainder of the class to work on either your Kata or Kumite. You will need to book in and pay via the APP. There are a couple of competitions coming up towards the end of the year so now is the time to focus, get your training sessions and let go of all your excuses. These classes are open to all. No minimum grade or age requirements.

1:1 Tuition is available

Did you know we offer 1:1 training with the following Instructors so if you are interested in booking a private or a small group session please contact them directly:

  • Paul Wolstencroft Sensei – 07815 579 852 available in Bury and Handforth

  • Robert Head Sensei  - 07860 532 320 available in Altrincham and Handforth

  • Callum Miles Sensei - 07880 792 215 available in Bolton and Haslingden    

  • Debbie Carter Sensei – 07943 101 218 available in Altrincham

Have a great Summer everyone!


September & October Newsletter


Summer Attendance Rewards have started!